Sensation of prison

26-Madita rutina

Here in my room, I woke up now, feeling my body with that sensation, the sensation about starting a new day.

I don’t know what to do; I feel my body overwhelmed to start over again, I will go to my office to start working on my unresolved issues.

It feels like a sensation about being in the same day but in another day.

The same routine is killing my body again.

My mind is trying to focus on different things that could make me stay busy and forget this thought.

Maybe it could calm me down, and maybe it would be the best way to overcome another day.

Over the last weeks these sensations are every day trying to be fluid in my body.

I can describe it as a way to passing through a pathway where people are walking around, selling clothes, working on a new campaign to promote their products, doing the same things every day.

Following the same schedule that makes them thinking they are doing anything quite interesting, whereas they are themselves prisoners of the same day’s routine.

I behave in a way that makes me think on this again and again. I considerate that to be free is complicated nowadays because our minds are captives of the ordinary.

I can either fathom what it feels like to be enslaved in a day’s routine or immerse myself in this routine or taking no notice of all about what I said before.

I don’t know if somehow this will change in the future, but right now I feel the sensation on being counting days in prison.


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